Chapter 1: The Professional Responder

Read Chapter 1.

Your textbook has the most detailed and expanded information for each topic. There are chapter workbook assignments to complete with each lesson.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the components of the emergency medical services (EMS) system.
  • Identify the required information to relay to a medical director.
  • Describe the characteristics and responsibilities of the first aid attendant.
  • Demonstrate the use of reasonable and prudent judgment, as well as effective problem-solving and task delegation skills when making decisions.
  • Identify self-care actions to manage critical incident stress.
  • Identify strategies to maintain good physical and mental health as a first aid attendant.
  • Identify the relevant legislation, policies, and procedures applicable to your local jurisdiction.
  • Identify situations when patient advocacy is required.
  • Demonstrate how to fill out a Patient Care Report.
  • Demonstrate the ability to respectfully deliver and receive constructive feedback.
  • Describe the use of radios in an emergency setting.
  • Describe proper radio procedures.
  • Describe the legal requirements of the workplace first aid attendant (workplace regulations, action plan, and site-specific protocols).
  • Describe principles of effective communication.
  • Describe barriers to effective communication.
  • Recognize common medical terms and their components
  • Describe elements of WHMIS 2015 that apply to OHS legislation, including:
    • Identifying situations in which a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) may be used by a first aider.
    • Providing an SDS to medical professionals to ensure appropriate care (OHS Code, Part 29, section 413).
    • Content relating to exposure and first aid: inhalation, chemical burns

Participants must also review the following OHS bulletins:

  • FA009 First Aid Records
  • FA011 Workplace Firs Aiders and Legal Requirements
  • FA012 Developing a First Aid Plan
  • FA013 Oxygen Equipment and Related Training Requirements at Worksites
  • FA014 Medication in First Aid Kits
  • FA015 Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) in the Workplace